•What is FERPA? •Why should I be concerned about FERPA? •I don't deal with student records, why should I care about FERPA? •What can happen if I choose to ignore FERPA? •Who is protected under FERPA? •What are the students' rights under FERPA? •How to protect the privacy of student records? •What is an education record? What is not? •What information is considered personally identifiable information? |
•What is directory information? What is not? •Can a student withhold directory information? •How to treat non-directory information? Exceptions? •What if it's an emergency? •What are releases/disclosures of education records? •What should I do if I discover a release of information? •Whom should I contact if I have questions? •Where can I find NMC's full FERPA policy? •Quiz – 10 questions to test your knowledge. |