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The items in each row may be text or images.
Set Title:Short Bones
- Row 1
- Tarsals of the ankle
- Humerus (Arm Bone)
- Frontal (Cranial Bone)
- Cervical vertebra
- Patella (Kneecap)
- Row 2
- Carpals of the wrist
- Femur (Leg Bone)
- Sternum
- Sacrum
- Sesamoid bones in foot
Set Title:Long Bones
- Row 1
- Humerus (Arm Bone)
- Tarsals of the ankle
- Frontal (Cranial Bone)
- Cervical vertebra
- Patella (Kneecap)
- Row 2
- Femur (Leg Bone)
- Carpals of the wrist
- Sternum
- Sacrum
- Sesamoid bones in foot
Set Title:Flat Bones
- Row 1
- Frontal (Cranial Bone)
- Tarsals of the ankle
- Humerus (Arm Bone)
- Cervical vertebra
- Patella (Kneecap)
- Row 2
- Sternum
- Carpals of the wrist
- Femur (Leg Bone)
- Sacrum
- Sesamoid bones in foot
Set Title:Irregular Bones
- Row 1
- Cervical vertebra
- Tarsals of the ankle
- Humerus (Arm Bone)
- Frontal (Cranial Bone)
- Patella (Kneecap)
- Row 2
- Sacrum
- Carpals of the wrist
- Femur (Leg Bone)
- Sternum
- Sesamoid bones in foot
Set Title:Sesamoid Bones
- Row 1
- Patella (Kneecap)
- Tarsals of the ankle
- Humerus (Arm Bone)
- Frontal (Cranial Bone)
- Cervical vertebra
- Row 2
- Sesamoid bones in foot
- Carpals of the wrist
- Femur (Leg Bone)
- Sternum
- Sacrum
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