This is an alternate content page containing a Sorting Activity. It has opened in a new window.
The activity has categories and cards. Cards may have text or an image. Assign the cards to the proper categories.

Cutaneous Membranes
Serous Membranes
Mucous Membranes
Connective Tissue Membranes

Card 1:
Text: Epidermis
Card 2:
Text: Do not contain epithelial cells or open to external environment
Card 3:
Text: Membranes that are all internal and have parietal and visceral portion
Card 4:
Text: Associated with protection of respiratory and digestive tracts
Card 5:
Text: Synovial Membranes
Card 6:
Text: Largest of all membranes
Card 7:
Text: Secrete, thin watery fluid to reduce friction
Card 8:
Text: Line body surfaces that open directly to external environment

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