What are underpinnings of issues for nurses in advanced role? 
This week's lessons examine influencing factors that affect advanced nursing roles, health care, and the changing world of nursing. Students will examine this theme through readings, articles, and assignments.

Through these assignments the student will meet the following course outcomes:
Week 1 Outcomes: 
  1. Analyze current issues and future trends affecting nursing education and practice. (W1O1)
  2. Devise strategies to address selected issues in advanced nursing roles. (W1O2)
  3. Synthesize biophysical, psychosocial, caring and humanities concepts in the exploration of health care delivery issues. (W1O3)
  4. Relate global health care issues to health care in the United States. (W1O4)
Week 1 Activities:
  1. Lesson 1a - Issues Analysis (W1O1?) [Expect this to take about ?? minutes to complete]
  2. Lesson 1b - US and Global Healthcare Issues (W1O2?, W1O3?, W1O4?) [Expect this to take about ?? minutes to complete]
  3. Lesson 1c - Leadership (W1O2?) [Expect this to take about ?? minutes to complete]


The purpose of the executive summary is to hone skills in reflection and evaluation related to issues in nursing and healthcare, apply supporting literature, synthesize and summarizing readings in a clear concise manner. These skills are important qualities of nurse leaders, who frequently encounter recurring issues in nursing and healthcare.
Lesson 1a Activities:
  1. Read Cowen and Moorhead (2011) (W1O2?)
  2. Complete an executive summary on your assigned chapter, as posted under Syllabus and Handouts on the Course Home page. There is an Executive Summary example below; use the same format for your Executive Summary. Executive summary is due per calendar date at 11:55 PM. Click here to submit your Executive Summary to the Discussion Forum
Next: After completing your Executive Summary, continue to Lesson 1b. Notice that the Lesson 1a and 1b assignments are within the same forum, with two different discussion threads.

Executive Summary - Websites, Examples, & Rubric

Notice these executive summary guidelines recommend an executive summary be brief and capture key ideas . We are going to use the guideline of two double spaced pages in this course. The web sites refer to an executive summary of a report; substitute the word 'chapter' for 'report' when reviewing the information. If you have difficulty with the link, google with the information provided to locate the web site and also email faculty. The college web site addresses seem to change frequently. Thank you!


Writing Guide: Executive Summaries

Colorado State University. (2011). Writing @ CSU. Writing Guide: Executive summaries. Retrieved from http://writing.colostate.edu/guides/documents/execsum/
Handout on Report Formats
This executive summary is a little longer, though provides an example on page two with recommendations for action at the end. Your executive summaries should be a maximum of two pages and the "Now What" should provide recommendations related to current and future issues.   
Purdue University. (2011). The OWL at Purdue Writing Lab. Handout on report formats. _Scroll down for information on writing an Executive Summary. Retrieved from http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/owlprint/726/ 
Executive Summary Rubric and Example:
Click here to view an example of an Executive Summary.
This Rubric for the Executive Summary will help you to know what to expect.


Lesson 1c Activities: 
  1. Read Grossman and Valiga (2013), chapters 1, 2. and 4. (W1O2?)
  2. Complete the Grossman and Valiga Leadership Characteristics and Skills Assessment on (2013, pp.18-23)
  3. Optional articles to which many nurse leaders in both education and practice can relate. 
    1. Heinrich, K. (1998).  Transforming Impostors into Heroes: Metaphors for Innovative Nursing Education.  Nurse Educator, 22 (3), 45-50.
    2. This article in Medscape is from the perspective of career paths after earning the MSN and applies to all nurses with advanced degrees.   Huffstutler, S., & Varnell, G. (2006). The imposter phenomenon in new nurse practitioner graduates . You will need to set up a a free account in Medscape and may need to search for the article if link does not go directly to it. Retrieved from http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/533648?src=mp 
  4. Complete a reflection based on the 1c leadership readings. Be sure to take a look at the Rubric for this Reflection.
Next: Continue on to the next week. 


Go to the Coursework page to submit a reflection based on your Leadership Assessment results, other readings, and leadership implications for your current role and future advanced role as educator or executive (see 1c Lesson above).  Use the 1)What? 2) So What? 3) What Else? 4) Now What? format. Refer to Reflection format questions and grading rubric in syllabus. Please save and submit the file entitled "1cReflectionYourName" and include your own name in the file name and on the document.

The resources below are direct links, handouts, etc. These have been hyperlinked elsewhere in the text on this page. In other words, if you have been reading carefully, you shouldn't need to access this section laughing

Recent posts:
There are no recent posts in this forum.


Global and United States health care issues influence quality care. A nurse leader must be aware of these issues. One of the roles of the nurse leader is to identify and develop strategic actions to address the issues. The references and resources below build on previous readings and capture many of these issues. Some of the readings and websites provide references for the debate and policy essays.
Lesson 1b Activities:
  1. Browse through Spotlight on Poverty (#1) or listen/watch one of the clips listed under Adelman (#2). (W1O3?)
  2. Peruse readings (read for general ideas rather than detail).
  3. Peruse at least one of the recommended websites.
  4. Respond to the questions in the 1b discussion forum, showing synthesis from the readings.
  5. Complete the Comparative Reply (Second) post.
 Next: Continue on to Lesson 1c and...

Detailed Directions

1) Browse through Spotlight on Poverty (#1) or listen/watch one of the clips listed under Adelman (#2).
Option 1. Browse through information on the website Spotlight on Poverty and Opportunity (2015), at http://www.spotlightonpoverty.org/default.aspx and watch one of the webinars or videos spotlighting the working poor.
Option 2. Peruse the information by Adelman, L. (2008) about the series entitled Unnatural Causes at http://unnaturalcauses.org/about_the_series.php and then view the video clips (approximately five minutes each) related to health, wealth, and socio-economic influences in America at http://unnaturalcauses.org/video_clips.php?vid_filter=Episode1-InSicknessandInWealth
2) Peruse readings (read for general ideas rather than detail)
a.  In Cowen and Moorhead (2011), read the preface, p. xv - xvi, and browse through at least one (1) of the following: overview (Richness of Nursing), p. 2+, chapter 1 (will nursing be better understood?), and section overviews starting on pp. 350 (Impact of evolving heath care systems), 422 (Health Care Costs), 594 (Ethical, legal, social concerns), and 766 (global considerations), respectively.  
b. Read Milstead (2013, 2016), chapter 11 (Global Connections). Review " Exhibit 1.1 Comparison of Old Sick Care Paradigm with New Healthcare Paradigm" (Milstead, 2016, p. 18).
c. Peruse peer executive summaries and choose 1 to include in your 1b comparative reply post.
3) Peruse at least one of the following websites
a. If you have not read the book, the following book review captures key facts of concern. Hansen, R. on Shulman, B. (2003).  The betrayal of work: How low wage jobs fail 30 million Americans. The New Press Pub.  Retrieved from http://www.quintcareers.com/career_book_reviews/Betrayal_of_Work.html
b. The Kaiser Family Foundation (2015) has resources on uninsured and health reform are a at http://www.kff.org/uninsured/index.cfm.  Included on this site is an interactive quiz to test your knowledge on this topic.
c. Page 7 of the following article identifies Roles in which nurses can make the strongest contributions. The Honor Society of Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau International sponsored a series of think-tank initiatives in which nurse leaders from education, practice and research were brought together to identify issues and strategies for the changing world of nursing. The executive summary of the final ARISTA 3 landmark report (2003) contains the global issues relevant to nursing and strategic actions to address the issues. Retrieved from  http://www.nursingsociety.org/docs/default-source/position-papers/arista_exec_summary.pdf?sfvrsn=4
d. Peruse Thiess, R. (2012, April 27). The future of work. Trends and challenges for low-wage workers . Economic Policy Institute (2015), retrieved from http://www.epi.org/publication/bp341-future-of-work/  Alternately calculate a family budget based on family size for your area/state @ http://www.epi.org/resources/budget/
 e. To find information on housing costs and required wages related to your respective state, look at the page entitled Out of reach 2016. Retrieved from http://nlihc.org/oor  The National Income Low Housing Coalition (NILHC) (2016) Policy issues provides additional information @ http://nlihc.org/issues  
You can enter your state and find data on minimum wages, cost of 2-bedroom apartments, and number of work hours needed to pay 30% of income for housing. 
4) Respond to the questions in the 1b discussion forum, showing synthesis from the readings.  (Refer to syllabus for Discussion Forum Criteria and Grading Rubric).
5) Complete the Comparative Reply (Second) post. In your Comparative Reply (Second) post, show synthesis from peers' executive summaries and initial 1b postings.  Also see the example of a Comparative Reply (Second) post.