Overview:Notice these executive summary guidelines recommend an executive summary be brief and capture key ideas . We are going to use the guideline of two double spaced pages in this course. The web sites refer to an executive summary of a report; substitute the word 'chapter' for 'report' when reviewing the information. If you have difficulty with the link, google with the information provided to locate the web site and also email faculty. The college web site addresses seem to change frequently. Thank you!
Writing Guide: Executive Summaries
Go to the Coursework page to submit a reflection based on your Leadership Assessment results, other readings, and leadership implications for your current role and future advanced role as educator or executive (see 1c Lesson above). Use the 1)What? 2) So What? 3) What Else? 4) Now What? format. Refer to Reflection format questions and grading rubric in syllabus. Please save and submit the file entitled "1cReflectionYourName" and include your own name in the file name and on the document.
The resources below are direct links, handouts, etc. These have been hyperlinked elsewhere in the text on this page. In other words, if you have been reading carefully, you shouldn't need to access this section .