Study Questions and key terms

Read chapter 8 in Molloy;
Questions to  consider as you read the chapter:
Compare the content and role of the Torah and the Talmud, in Judaism?

 Define the role of the temple in much of biblical Judaism. How did Jewish religious practice change following its destruction in 70 C.E.?

What led to the Holocaust and what was one 'major result'?
Identify the 4 different divisions of modern Judaism.
Key Terms: diaspora, Holocaust, kosher, Passover, prophet, Rosh Hashanah, Talmud, Torah, Yom Kippur, rabbi

Beth Friedman on experiences with Judaism

  • For a first hand look at one persons experience from within the Omaha Jewish community, view this video clip of our own Beth Friedman.

Power Point for Chapt 8 - Judaism


This power point will help identify the primary points in chapter 8
(.pptx, 85K)
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