Class discussion and course wrap up

We will meet back at the college as a class to review your experience and allow each student an opportunity to share their final project with the class, so we can add to our learning. You will have 7-10 minutes to give an over view of your project and answer questions. 
 We will take the final exam together as a way to review our learning from the final three religions. 
You will be receiving an opportunity to evaluate the course and offer feedback on your overall experience.
Thank you for participating in this first attempt to offer a World Religions course to the community.
Your instructors: Dan Johnston and Jerry Brabec  


Final reflections

Journal #3 - Reflect on what you have learned about Islam -  
Look back over the past 5 weeks and consider one or more areas of your spiritual/religious
understanding that has been strengthened or challenged by the course.
Download under the 'coursework' tab and Journal #3

Final Exam to be done together

Multiple choice questions will primarily come from the information in the text and the following terms:

Zionism, Passover, Yom Kippur, Orthodox, kosher, Torah, Talmud, rabbi, Sadducees, diaspora; Jacob, Augustine, baptism, Eucharist, gothic, Reformation, Messiah, Martin Luther, Benedict, gospel, Wesley, Trinity, Pope; Qur’an, Shiite, Sunni, Muslim, mosque, Imam, jihad, Ramadan, Kabah, hajj  

Short answer questions:

Identify the 4 different divisions of modern Judaism. Choose 2 and identify the distinguishing feature or features, of those particular expressions of Judaism.

According to the text, what was the ‘most impressive characteristic’ of Jesus? Who do Christians say Jesus is, and why is that important for their ‘salvation’?

Define the ‘hajj’. Why do Muslims go to Mecca and what do they do there? Who is supposed to participate and who is exempt?  

List three reasons that the Torah is important to Judaism. How did the Hebrew scripture’s achieve their final form? Compare the content and role of the Torah and the Talmud, in Judaism?

What are the biblical roots of kosher practice? List three practices that must be observed in a home that keeps the kosher dietary laws.

According to the text: who was the Apostle Paul and what led to his conversion to become a follower of Christ? Describe 2 or more ways he carried out his mission in the world?

What is the meaning of orthodox, and in what countries of the world is Orthodox Christianity dominant? Identify threecontroversies that led to the distinctions between Orthodox and Western Christianity.

According to the text, what kind of person was Muhammad? How was he viewed by his family, by his followers, and by those who opposed him?

Describe the origin of the Qur’an and discuss how it has shaped the Muslim religion even today. List the five pillars of Isl