Welcome to the NMC Doctoral Student Page of the IRB.

This page is intended to provide doctoral students at NMC important information and requirements for students wanting to submit an application to the Institutional Review Board.

In order for IRB members to effectively review your project for determination (research, EBP, or QI) and/or approve the project, you will need to submit the following documents:

  • IRB application
    • The application needs to be free of errors (grammar & typos)
    • Only required information should be provided in each section. 
    • The information should be clear & concise. This is not a formal paper.
  • Consent form (research)
    • Use NMC IRB template
  • Participant Agreement form (non-research)
    • NMC IRB template
    • Online surveys – agreement statement 
  • Recruitment materials
  • Questionnaires or surveys
    • include permission letter to use instrument
  • Detailed Content Outline for any education or information provided as intervention
  • Investigator Agreement forms-doctoral student & faculty mentor
  • CITI Certificates- doctoral student & faculty mentor



The NMC IRB has taken the position that any exempt or non-research projects that intend to recruit participants specifically for such projects, must provide a consent form or agreement form/letter. Documentation of consent in the form of participant signature may not be needed.

The information provided to participants must include at minimum 1) the purpose of the project, 2) a general description of the project (procedures to be followed and expected duration, 3) a description of how confidentiality will be maintained, 4) explanation of who to contact for questions, 5) statement that participation is voluntary, and 6) any other information that a reasonable participant would want to know before participating in the project.

Overview of the IRB for Doctoral Students

Completing the IRB Application

Click on the link for a quick review on what the IRB requires in the IRB application:

IRB Application Video Link

Preventing Coercion

Click on the link for a quick review on preventing coercion

Video Link

Important Reminders for IRB Applications

This document provides information for faculty and students on key areas the IRB reviews upon receiving an application.