CREATE's Development Day...

Closing the Loop:

High Impact Practices for Critical Learning

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Click here for a link to the presentation slides and all of the handouts for these sessions

Session 1Crafting Critical Thinking Competencies

Critical thinking in real-world situations, it is what we do in healthcare. In this session, we will learn more about how to design and facilitate activities that foster critical thinking in our students.

Session 2Developing Self-Assessment Abilities

Educational research has repeatedly documented self-assessment activities as being a high impact practice...when they are done well. This session will focus on identifying best practices for developing students’ self-assessment abilities. Participants will walk away with concrete ideas for their own courses.

Session 3Essential Elements of Effective Feedback

When we provide students with detailed, constructive, and timely feedback, they learn more deeply. This session will therefore focus not only on the essential elements of effective feedback, but also on how to help students to learn more deeply from it.
