Per the AHA, all students are to have textbooks available to them before, during and after a class.  The textbooks can either be purchased during registration, borrowed from one of the following places, or copies can be obtained from a distributor of choice.  If getting a book from somewhere other than through our Training Center at NMC, please be sure you have the most current version.

Anyone can borrow a book from the college.  Books can be checked out from the Clark front desk during normal business hours.  

NMHS Employees and NMC students can pick up their borrowed text from the Clark building front desk. You can arrange a book pick up by calling 402-354-7100. **ALL borrowed texts MUST be returned to the location they were picked up. For those borrowed from NMC, they must be returned before the start of class.  

JE employees:  Please contact Lisa Joy at or at 712-396-6035.

Women’s Hospital employees:  Please contact Rachael Travalik at or at 402-815-1895.

NMHS Employees, NMC Students and external participants have the option to purchase a BLS text for $16, ACLS text for $40 or PALS text for $45 (includes S&H). Purchased books will be mailed to the address provided during registration.
IMPORTANT! If the employee or student does not return the text on the day of class, no card will be issued and you will not be listed as compliant with HR until the book has been returned.