
This outline has been adapted from the delivery vehicle of ACUE (Association of College and University Educators).  They provide a fantastic example of online learning with each week’s content delivered in this manner.  It is engaging and easy to follow.  It may serve as an example of how you could design your online course delivery.  Please join us for next year’s ACUE program to learn more about this incredible resource.




Introduction - one to two minute video describing this week’s material.


Learning objectives - This could be just a PDF of a matrix or list of goals for the week.


Opening quiz or survey to assess student readiness for material.  This is probably ungraded and can also serve as way to take attendence.



Listen, Watch, and Learn

5-10 minute video of actual course content.  This could be delivered in MyMethodist as recorded course or delivered “live” using Webex or Zoom video conferencing.


Technique Talk - 5 -10 minute example video that can be used as a seed to begin an online discussion of the course material. Including a rubric or list of participation expectations would be a great addition here.  This section could also be delivered via recording or a Webex session.


Links to additional resources that may be videos but also reading material.  Here is a chance to break things up.  If you have more videos add some reading material or vice verse.



Deepen Thinking

Share some common challenges, questions you typically hear or misconceptions.  This can be written or video, but make sure you are not including too much of one or the other type of media.


Observe and Analyze

Here is another chance to engage the class with online discussion.  Post a video that will drive a discussion, then ask the students to share their thoughts.  Push them to engage with each other, not simple respond to you.  Flip Grid is an interesting app to explore here.  It allows you to post your seed via video and then allows students to respond to the discussion via video as well.  



Practice and Reflect

This is a chance for the students to engage and contribute.  This could be simply a text reflection on the weeks learning, but could also be a video reflection posted by each student.  How do they see themselves integrating this new knowledge into their career.  Why did we spend time learning this and how could it be used in the real world.



Closing Summary

Here is your chance to use a 1 - 2 minute video of your own reflection on why this material is important.