Sorry, this page is still under construction.

However, once we have our resources together, it will be fully functioning! Regardless, we have added as much information to this site as we are able to at this time, so that you will know what to expect in the future - enjoy!

Money, money, money...
CREATE! and the Faculty Development Committee have been working on acquiring money to support your course development as well as your ongoing professional development. On this page, you will find more information about the kinds of funding opportunities that we currently offer as well as the forms that you will need to apply for these monies. Below, there is information on funding to support your attending conferences as well as mini-grants to support projects that are intended to improve the quality of teaching and learning. To the right, you will find more information on how to propose your own FIG.
If you have additional ideas and/or needs for funding, let us know and we will try to work on this with you - thanks!