Possibilities for Funding


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However, once we have our resources together, it will be fully functioning! Regardless, we have added as much information to this site as we are able to at this time, so that you will know what to expect in the future - enjoy!



Money, money, money...

CREATE! and the Faculty Development Committee have been working on acquiring money to support your course development as well as your ongoing professional development. On this page, you will find more information about the kinds of funding opportunities that we currently offer as well as the forms that you will need to apply for these monies. Below, there is information on funding to support your attending conferences as well as mini-grants to support projects that are intended to improve the quality of teaching and learning. To the right, you will find more information on how to propose your own FIG. 

If you have additional ideas and/or needs for funding, let us know and we will try to work on this with you - thanks!


Conference Support

CREATE! is working on a budget proposal, which (if approved as is) will not be available until January. The information below is therefore dependent on this approval process...


Have you had a proposal accepted to present at a conference? Is this conference related to some aspect of teaching and learning? Are you looking to attend a conference that will help you to continue to improve as a professional educator in your discipline? 

You can apply for funds from CREATE! to help support your attendance at these professional development events. Each year, CREATE! hopes to offer as many as four (4) faculty members up to $1,500 each to support their attending a conference. To begin the application process for these funds, click on the image below:

Applications will be reviewed by members of the CREATE! Advisory Board and scored using the rubric below. Currently, this money is on a first-come, first-served basis, so be sure to apply as soon as you are able.



CREATE! is working on a budget proposal, which (if approved as is) will not be available until January. The information below is therefore dependent on this approval process... 


CREATE is hoping to offer mini-grants to support projects that are intended to improve the quality of teaching and learning on our campus. Currently, we are hoping to fund as many as 3 projects per year up to $500 per project. 

Examples of the kinds of projects these mini-grants are intended to support:

  • Activities leading to enhancing teaching and learning
  • Conducting research directly related to teaching and learning
  • Activities fostering joint faculty-student scholarship related to teaching and learning

Examples of the kinds of projects that these mini-grants are NOT intended to support:

  • Stipends
  • Sabbatical and leave of absence support
  • Support work toward advanced degree
  • Support for professional licensure or recertification of professional licensure
  • Professional development that is initiated or mandated by the university, program or administration

To begin the application process for a CREATE! mini-grant, click on the image below:

As with conference support, these applications will be reviewed by members of the CREATE! Advisory Board and scored according to the following rubric:

Good luck!


CREATE! is working on a budget proposal, which (if approved as is) will not be available until January. The information below is therefore dependent on this approval process... 


On the Learning Modules & Opportunities page, you can read about current Faculty Interest Groups (FIGs) that are being offered. However, what if you have an idea for a FIG that you would like to help launch? The Faculty Development Committee is always on the lookout for new FIGs to offer. Currently, FIG facilitators receive a $500 stipend to oversee these and there is money from CREATE! to help pay for resources related to the FIG.

In order to begin the process of proposing a FIG, click on the image below for an overview of the process and what is required for the proposal process:

The form(s) that are needed for this process may be found below: