Facilitate Learner Development and Socialization
A. Identify individual learning styles and unique learning needs of learners with these characteristics:
B. Provide resources for diverse learners to meet their individual learning needs
C. Advise learners in ways that help them meet their professional goals
D. Create learning environments that facilitate learners' self-reflection, personal goal setting, and socialization to the role of nurse
E. Foster the development of learners in these areas:
1. Cognitive domain
2. Psychomotor domain
3. Affective domain
F. Assist learners to engage in thoughtful and constructive self and peer evaluation
G. Encourage professional development of learners
The optional assignment below can foster your further knowledge about learning preferences.
Is your learning preference aural, kinesthetic, read/write, or visual?
Explore the VARK Learning website [www.Vark-learner.com], complete the questionnaire to identify your own learning preferences and gain examples of how you could use VARK with your students.
Once you have completed all the required readings, assignments and view the lesson 2 content. Then please click on the Coursework tab on the left side of the page or the link below. Select the Lesson 2 Quiz. Students must receive a minimum score of 90% to pass. If a 90% is not achieved please retake the test until a 90% or higher is achieved. There is no time limit for this quiz.
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