Using Assessment and Evaluation Strategies

  1. Provide input for the development of nursing program standards and policies regarding
    1. Admission
    2. Progression
    3. Graduation
  2. Enforce nursing program standards related to
    1. Admission
    2. Progression
    3. Graduation
  3. Use a variety of strategies to assess and evaluate learning in these domains
    1. Cognitive
    2. Psychomotor
    3. Affective
  4. Incorporate current research in assessment and evaluation practices
  5. Analyze available resources for learner assessment and evaluation
  6. Create assessment instruments to evaluate outcomes
  7. Use assessment instruments to evaluate outcomes
  8. Implement evaluation strategies that are appropriate to the learner and learning outcomes
  9. Analyze assessment and evaluation data.
  10. Use assessment and evaluation data to enhance the teaching-learning process
  11. Advise learners regarding assessment and evaluation criteria
  12. Provide timely, constructive, and thoughtful feedback to learners

Required Readings

  • Billings D. (2016). Developing and using classroom tests. In D. Billings & J. Halstead’s (Eds.) Teaching in nursing: A guide for faculty. (5th ed.). (pp.423-442). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Saunders.
  • Bourke, M. & Ihrke, B. (2016). Introduction to the evaluation process. In D. Billings & J. Halstead’s (Eds.) Teaching in nursing: A guide for faculty. (5th ed.). (pp.385-397). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Saunders.
  • Christensen, L., E. (2016). The academic performance of students: Legal and ethical issues. In D. Billings & J. Halstead’s (Eds.) Teaching in nursing: A guide for faculty. (5th ed.). (pp.35-54). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Saunders.
  • Ellis, P. (2016). Systematic program evalaution. In D. Billings & J. Halstead’s (Eds.) Teaching in nursing: A guide for faculty. (5th ed.). (pp.463-507). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Saunders.
  • Kirkpatrick, J. & DeWitt, D. (2016). Strategies for assessing and evaluating learning outcomes. In D. Billings & J. Halstead’s (Eds.) Teaching in nursing: A guide for faculty. (5th ed.). (pp.398-422). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Saunders.

Optional Reading

  • Fliszar, R. (2013). Using assessment and evaluation strategies. In R. Whittmna-Price, M. Godshall, & L. Wilson (Eds.) Certified nurse educator (CNE) review manual. (2nd ed.). (pp. 185-214).

Lesson 3

  • Complete assigned readings
  • Review voiceover presentation
  • Complete lesson quiz until achieving a score of 90% or higher


  • Speaker's Notes

Once you have completed all the required readings, assignments and view the lesson 3 content. Then please click on the Coursework tab on the left side of the page or the link below. Select the Lesson 3 Quiz. Students must receive a minimum score of 90% to pass. If a 90% is not achieved please retake the test until a 90% or higher is achieved. There is no time limit for this quiz. 

Click here to begin Quiz