Pursue Systematic Self-Evaluation and Improvement in the Academic Nurse Educator Role

  1. Engage in activities that promote one’s socialization to the role
  2. Maintain membership in professional organizations
  3. Participate actively in professional organizations through committee work and/or leadership roles
  4. Demonstrate a commitment to lifelong learning
  5. Participate in professional development opportunities that increase one’s effectiveness in the role
  6. Manage the teaching, scholarship, and service demands as influenced by the requirements of the institutional setting
  7. Use feedback gained from self, peer, learner, and administrative evaluation to improve role effectiveness
  8. Practice according to legal and ethical standard relevant to higher education and nursing education
  9. Mentor and support faculty colleagues in the role of an academic nurse educator
  10. Engage in self-reflection to improve teaching practices

Required Readings

Optional Readings

  • Fliszar, R. (2013). Using assessment and evaluation strategies. In R. Whittmann-Price, M. Godshall, & L. Wilson (Eds.) Certified nurse educator (CNE) review manual. (2nd ed.). (pp. 243-254).

Lesson 5

  • Complete assigned readings
  • Review voiceover presentation
  • Complete lesson quiz until achieving a score of 90% or higher


Once you have completed all the required readings, assignments and view the lesson 5 content. Then please click on the Coursework tab on the left side of the page or the link below. Select the Lesson 5 Quiz. Students must receive a minimum score of 90% to pass. If a 90% is not achieved please retake the test until a 90% or higher is achieved. There is no time limit for this quiz. 

Click here to begin Quiz