CREATE's Development Day...

Closing the Loop:

High Impact Practices for Critical Learning

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Click here for a link to the presentation slides and all of the handouts for these sessions

Session 1Crafting Critical Thinking Competencies

Critical thinking in real-world situations, it is what we do in healthcare. In this session, we will learn more about how to design and facilitate activities that foster critical thinking in our students.

Session 2Developing Self-Assessment Abilities

Educational research has repeatedly documented self-assessment activities as being a high impact practice...when they are done well. This session will focus on identifying best practices for developing students’ self-assessment abilities. Participants will walk away with concrete ideas for their own courses.

Session 3Essential Elements of Effective Feedback

When we provide students with detailed, constructive, and timely feedback, they learn more deeply. This session will therefore focus not only on the essential elements of effective feedback, but also on how to help students to learn more deeply from it.


Below you will find links to the recorded sessions from our event on Jan. 11, 2017. We had a wonderful line-up of sessions along with an insightful keynote! To see our agenda, click on the image below:

Participants at this event cycled their way through three sessions. Click on the images below to view the video recordings of each session:

1) Speed Dating with Active Strategies

In this session, members of the Active Teaching & Learning Faculty-Interest-Group (FIG) will share a variety of strategies that you can use. We will also discuss how to further transform your class for dynamic engagement, what some of the common obstacles are to doing this, and how to respond to these challenges.

2) Tantalizing Technologies

Type in “technologies for active teaching and learning” and you will find tons of tools to engage your students with. This session will have you actively engage with a few of these. We will also discuss some of the benefits and limits of using technologies with active strategies as well as recommendations for doing so.

3) Engaging Environments

Active engagement with students really begins and ends with the environments in which we hold our courses, be these online or on-ground. In this session, we will demonstrate and discuss how to make the most of both of these environments. Overall, you should walk away with a better understanding of how to use your course environment to more actively engage with students.

Finally, we hosted a keynote discussion on one instructor's journey from lecturing to active teaching strategies. Click here for the Link to the keynote PowerPoint presentation:


This page is dedicated to materials and resources presented by Faculty and Staff during NMC's Development Day Events.

Below you will find links to the recorded sessions as well as handouts from our Development Day event on Aug. 16, 2017. This event was made possible, in part, by Steelcase Education and the active learning furniture that they generously provided to Nebraska Methodist College (NMC). We had a wonderful line-up of sessions! To see our agenda, click on the image below. Click here to access the handouts for this event.


Participants at this event attended the following sessions. Click on the images/links below to view the video recordings for each session. Please note, however, that this event utilized group and project-based active learning strategies throughout, which means that there was a whole lot of learning happening without much lecturing. In other words, some of the videos might not be as helpful as the handouts.

1) Course Design with the Learner in Mind

In this session, you will learn how to collaborate with learners in adapting course objectives, activities, resources, and assessments to build upon learners’ prior knowledge, interests, and skills as well as to integrate diverse cultural resources, practices, and perspectives into your classes. Facilitated by Heather Henrichs.

2) Roadmaps for Teaching & Learning

Recognizing that students learn and develop in diverse ways, this session will focus on how to utilize multiple evidence-based learning theories and teaching strategies to help guide course development. Facilitated by Larry Hughes.

3) Personalized Self-Regulated Learning

In this session, we will explore how to partner with learners to identify personalized learning objectives to reach long term goals. We will also discuss how to build learners’ self-regulated learning skills, guiding them to reflect on their own performance and develop concrete strategies for how they will continue to improve in the course. Facilitated by Eric Kyle. Oops, we had difficulty with our equipment for this session and weren't able to record it - sorry!

4) Higher Order & Highly Engaged

This session will focus on how to develop courses that work with learners to design and implement higher order thinking experiences that are aligned with learning objectives, result in a variety of outcomes and artifacts, and build on learners’ interests and backgrounds. Facilitated by Larry Hughes. Oops, we started this video recording after the introductory statement and during group work.

5) Group Work that Transforms

By the end of this session, you should have a better understanding of how to develop courses that contain long-term group projects/activities where teams are required to collaborate in substantive ways (e.g., decision-making, problem solving, exploration, invention, etc.). Facilitated by Heather Henrichs.



Title Description File type

Course Design with the Learner in Mind

Title Description File type

Roadmaps for Teaching & Learning

Personalized Self-Regulated Learning

Higher Order & Highly Engaged

Group Work that Transforms

Opening Talks


CoursEval Presentation

Below are the two materials for this presentation:

  1. PowerPoint presentation
  2. Here is the latest version of the report that was created in relationship to this task force initiative. This report is updated as the initiative continues to evolve.

Additionally, all updated information is located on the

 X:\College\Academic Departments\FACULTY SENATE\Ad Hoc Committees\Student Evaluation Tool Task Force SU15

No Dingbats - Use Learning Objects Instead!

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Creating an Active Learning Environment: Getting Students Energized

Yuja: Up Close at a Distance

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